Depending on the results of the desk-based assessment and/or evaluation, the planning archaeologist may require further large-scale excavations to be carried out in advance of development.

The excavation process is used to ‘clean’ development sites of archaeological remains where preservation in situ is not possible or preferable. The excavation is therefore regarded as ‘preservation by record’ and results in detailed written descriptions, plans, sections and assemblages of artefacts. These are then processed during the post-excavation assessment and analysis of a site, and a report is produced.

What CFA will do for you

CFA carries out numerous excavations a year, ranging from small trenches to large-scale open area excavations of sites in excess of one hectare. Recent projects have ranged from urban redevelopment schemes and rural green field developments to major infrastructure projects such as roads and pipelines.

Excavations are directed by a CFA Field Officer and assisted by a team of suitably qualified staff. An office-based Project Manager oversees the project and is available for consultation throughout the project to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible ensuring you can stay on schedule and minimise cost as much as possible.

To discuss how we can help you please contact your regional office or contact general enquiries:


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