Where archaeological remains identified in a desk-based assessment or evaluation are considered to be of limited value or extent, the local planning archaeologist may recommend a watching brief rather than a full excavation.
Watching briefs may also be recommended in place of evaluations, particularly if the potential for a development to disturb archaeological remains is limited.
What we do
CFA is able to carry out watching briefs which take into account the client’s needs as well as those of the archaeological record, by recording any discovered remains quickly and efficiently. We pride ourselves in not causing undue delay to the construction programme.
These projects are carried out on site by one of our Field Officers, assisted by suitably qualified members of our core staff or professional contract staff. An office-based Project Manager oversees the project and is available for consultation throughout the project to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible.
To discuss how we can help you please contact your regional office or contact general enquiries: