Often the first phase of an archaeological project involves the assessment of previously-recorded data which provide information on the archaeological sensitivity of a site and its setting.

The desk-based assessment would normally include a review of the information stored by the appropriate national database of sites, as well as archaeological records held by the local Council. A study of available historical maps, aerial photographs and relevant historical documents will often be undertaken.

The accumulated data is used to produce a report, either as a stand-alone document or as part of a wider project report. This may include an assessment of the historical resource and recommendations or advice to aid the client in the decision-making process.

CFA has extensive experience in producing desk-based assessments and are available to provide advice and guidance to the client throughout the process. We also carry out desk-based assessments as part of Environmental Statements.

Evaluation – How it works

This can involve non-invasive fieldwork such as field-walking (collection of finds from the plough-soil or topsoil) or geophysical survey. Alternatively, an evaluation may involve small-scale sampling or trial-trenching targeted portions of the development or study area. This would determine the depth and nature of any remains. The percentage of the site to be evaluated would normally be decided in consultation with the local council’s planning archaeologist. Often the results are negative and no further work is required.

What we do

CFA conducts some 50–60 evaluations per year. These projects are directed on site by one of our Field Officers, assisted by suitably qualified members of our core staff or professional contract staff. An office-based Project Manager oversees the project and is available for consultation throughout the project to ensure that the process runs as smoothly as possible. All our clients receive the same professional level of attention no matter the size of the development.

To discuss how we can help you please contact your regional office or contact general enquiries:



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