CFA regularly provides planning and consultancy advice for utilities developments, and carries out fieldwork before or during construction.
Utilities developments for water, gas, telecommunications or electricity – be they overhead lines, underground cables or pipelines varying in length from a few hundred metres to over a hundred kilometres, or area developments such as substations, water treatment works or reservoirs – all have the potential to affect archaeology and cultural heritage assets.
Whatever the scale of your project, our experienced consultants can work with you to ensure that archaeology and cultural heritage issues are addressed in its design, contribute impact assessments for EIA and, where needed, design cost-effective mitigation responses in consultation with the appropriate planning authority. Our aim is to help smooth the path towards you obtaining permission to develop.
Once you have received necessary permissions, we provide a rapid, flexible and reliable service for undertaking any site surveys, investigations or watching briefs that may be required before or during construction works.
Examples of Utilities projects
- Glencorse Water Treatment Works
- Clyde Windfarm Grid Connection
- South West Scotland Renewables Connection Project
- Northern Transmission Reinforcement, High Pressure Natural Gas Pipeline
- Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Windfarm, Onshore Grid Connection
- Beauly to Dounreay 275kv Overhead Transmission Line
To discuss how we can help you please contact your regional office or contact general enquiries: