Blair House Reclamation and Surface Mine

CFA Archaeology Ltd conducted an archaeological evaluation within two fields forming part of the Blair House Reclamation and Surface Mine Site near Oakley, Fife. The evaluation covered 7007m2, or c. 5% of the land available for archaeological trial trenching. A desk-based assessment had indicated that the land had previously been given over to plantation and coal exploitation. The evaluation targeted two fields which had historically remained undisturbed.


Trial trenching in Field A uncovered horseshoe-shaped field drains and relict rig-and-furrow cultivation. A narrow, shallow gully was excavated in Trench 38. The feature has been interpreted as either a drainage gully or a truncated ditch and probably dates to a period around the 18th century. Trial trenching in Field B uncovered further remains of rig-and-furrow cultivation.


No other features of archaeological interest were uncovered.

Funding Body: Scottish Coal

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