GWest International Resort in Perthshire

CFA designed and undertook the archaeological mitigation in advance of the development of the 120 hectare GWest International Resort in Perthshire. An initial trial trenching evaluation was undertaken this required the excavation of 600 trial trenches with a total area of 67,036m². The evaluation phase identified significant archaeological remains in 8 areas where the council required further excavation.


Due the tight timescales between the evaluation work and the construction works CFA worked with the client to ensure that excavations commenced in the most critical areas and that archaeological works were designed to continue in advance of construction and thus prevent any delays to the programme. A range of Middle and Late Bronze Age settlement remains were excavated including twelve roundhouses and a large palisaded enclosure containing the remains of two post built roundhouses.


Funding Body: Ochil Developments (UK) Ltd
NN 899 105

SIGNIFICANT FINDS: Roundhouses, Palisaded Enclosure


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